Results from the New Horizons for Seniors Program

When the COVID-19 pandemic and the necessary lock-down measures disrupted community services, Canadian seniors who depend on those services for support became increasingly vulnerable and isolated. On March 29, to provide immediate essential services to seniors during the pandemic, the Government of Canada announced a grant of $9 million under the New Horizons for Seniors Program to be distributed through the United Way Centraide Canada network.

In the NWT, the United Way utilized $50,000 to provide grants to 15 organizations across 16 different communities, supporting seniors and their caregivers in dealing with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this program are now available online, including a fantastic map showing all the investments across Canada.

New Horizons for Seniors Program recipients

RecipientCommunity (ies)
Hamlet of AklavikAklavik
Alzheimer Society of Alberta andNorthwest TerritoriesYellowknife
Avens – A Community for SeniorsYellowknife
Community Garden Society of InuvikInuvik
Délįne Got’ı̨ne GovernmentDélįne
Hamlet of EnterpriseEnterprise
Charter Community of K’asho Got’ı̨neFort Good Hope
Hamlet of Fort ProvidenceFort Providence
Deninu Kų́ę́ First NationFort Resolution
Gwich’in Tribal CouncilInuvik, Tsiigehtchic, Aklavik andFort McPherson
Town of Hay RiverHay River
Inuvialuit Charitable FoundationSachs Harbour, Paulatuk, UlukhaktokAklavik, Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk
Jean Marie River First NationJean Marie River
K’atl’odeeche / Hay River ReserveHay River
Hamlet of PaulatukPaulatuk