This Friday, CBC North ran a great article about the Together We Are Strong Campaign, run by United Way NWT and the Yellowkife Community Foundation.
The article outlines the huge success of our fundraising efforts, and provides details about the partnership and Campaign. Thank you to CBC North for their media support of the United Way NWT, Yellowknife Community Foundation, and the Together We Are Strong Campaign.
Thank you to the numerous individuals and organizations who supported the Together We Are Strong Campaign, as we begin to end the fundraising portion . These funds will be released to organizations providing support to individuals negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic shortly, to help them support NWTers in addressing these impacts.
Though the Campaign is ending, you can still visit our Canadahelps Campaign to consider donating to the United Way NWT. Funds raised through this campaign will continue to be used to support individuals impacted by COVID-19 throughout the year, through future campaigns.
See full story: United Way NWT receives more than $160K for COVID-19 relief fund