Workplace Campaign

A message to our workplace champions!

We would like to extend a special heartfelt thank you to each of the volunteers in these businesses. As a volunteer with your workplace’s United Way NWT campaign, you are helping to make a positive impact in the Northwest Territories and beyond. It is because of  your commitment that the work of the United Way NWT and the more than 50 agencies we support is made possible.  

Because of volunteers like you, we are able to work with community agencies in every corner of the NWT to connect people to opportunities.

Because of volunteers like you, we are able to go beyond helping one person at a time and address the issues that prevent individuals and families from building a better live.

Together with volunteers from all of these workplaces, you are helping to build a community where every person is able to reach their full potential. A community where every neighbourhood is thriving. A community that is healthy and poised for a bright future. That is our vision!

To learn more about the Workplace Campaign fundraising program please contact:

United Way Northwest Territories
Box 1145 Yellowknife NT X1A 2N8
By phone: 867-669-7986
Or by e‐mail to: