United Way NWT Announces $850,000 Investment in Hay River Agricultural Restoration

Pictured: Glen Smith, SAO, Town of Hay River; Kandis Jameson, Mayor of Hay River; Ben Linaker, Board Member United Way NWT

YELLOWKNIFE, January 6, 2025—United Way Northwest Territories (UW NWT) is proud to announce a major investment of $850,000 to support the restoration and redevelopment of agricultural lands in Hay River. This funding, part of United Way NWT’s federally supported wildfire recovery and emergency preparedness program, will help revitalize Hay River’s economy and strengthen community resilience in the aftermath of recent natural disasters.

The project, Hay River Agricultural Restoration: A Path to Renewal, will focus on rebuilding vital farming infrastructure that was devastated by the 2022 floods and 2023 wildfires. The goal is to reestablish Hay River as the Agriculture Hub of the North, ensuring that local farmers and the broader community can thrive long into the future.

“The Town of Hay River is thankful for the support shown by United Way NWT to help rebuild after the flood and fire events of the last few years,” said Kandis Jameson, Mayor of Hay River. “The grant to support renewing the agriculture sector will have a lasting positive impact on farmers and the region, helping to launch Hay River as the Agriculture Hub of the North.”

This initiative is part of United Way NWT’s recently announced wildfire recovery and emergency preparedness program, which includes a total investment of $1.472 million in projects that address recovery needs and strengthen emergency response capabilities across the Northwest Territories.

“Agriculture has always been central to Hay River’s economy and identity. After years of challenges, this funding will help the community recover and rebuild,” said Paul Gillard, Chair of United Way NWT’s Board of Directors. “We believe that restoring the critical farmland will lay the groundwork for future growth and create benefits that extend across the North.”

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About United Way NWT
United Way Northwest Territories exists to promote the capacity of people across the North to care for one another. Through grants, capacity-building efforts, and emergency response programs, United Way NWT supports local non-profits and charities in addressing social challenges and building stronger communities. To learn more, visit https://nwt.unitedway.ca/.

Media Contact:
Linda Bussey – Executive Director, United Way NWT
ED@nwt.unitedway.ca | 1 (867) 669-7986